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Project title | A.C.E.I.T.E.S. – Acrescer la Competitividad del las Empresas a través la Innovacion Tecnologica y la valorizaciòn Energetica Sostenible |
Countries | Argentina , Paraguay |
Donors | EuropeAid– AL INVEST programme |
Role of Umbria Export | Co- Applicant |
Cost of the action | € 496.820 |
Dates | 01/09/2016 – 31/08/2018 |
Objectives and results of the action | The project aims to contribute to poverty reduction in Argentina (Santa Fez province) and Paraguay (all countries), increasing the productivity and competitiveness of agro-food and oily-derived biofuels companies, through technology transfer, strengthening of cluster and public-private partnerships, and feasibility study of a technology park model following Circular Economy and Industrial Symbiosis methodologies. The project consists of six main types of activities: 1) technological audit; 2) Promotion and creation of cluster; 3) Development of a technology park model; 4) Study visits; 5) Technical training; 6) Technology transfer, good practices and organization of a medium-term strategic plan for innovation in the sector, development of international framework agreements for scientific and industrial collaboration, realization of feasibility projects for product and process innovation in the sector. Main results achieved:- Transfer of the Italian experiences about the creation and management of a Technological Park .Technical assistance for the development of Technology Park model- Promotion of a framework agreements/Clusters between companies, business associations, local governments, universities – Specific technical analysis of the Italian technological experiences to be transferred to the Argentine and Paraguayan companies in the agroindustrial sector of the extraction and use of vegetable oils- Technical visits in Argentina and Paraguay to transfer the experiences and good practices of Italian technological innovation in the project sector- Preparation of pre-feasibility studies for the introduction of innovative technologies in local productions and for the development of innovation projects- Analysis of the opportunities for public financing of research and technological innovation projects carried out by the Argentine, Paraguayan and Italian press- Technical seminars in Argentina and Paraguay on international technological cooperation |